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Rose Gardening Tips

Dealing with Rose Diseases

To make sure that your prized roses remain in the best of health, simply follow these tips.

1. Black Spots on Leaves

This disease is commonly known as black spot. Black spots appear as circular with fringed edges on leaves. They cause the leaves to yellow. Remove the infected foliage and pick up any fallen leaves around the rose. Artificial sprays may be used to prevent or treat this kind of rose disorder.

2. Stunted or malformed young canes

Known as powdery mildew, this is a fungal disease that covers leaves, stems again buds with wind spread white powder. It makes the leaves curl and turn seductive. Spray with Funginex or Benomyl to treat this fungal disease.

3. Blistered underside of leaves

Known as rust, this disease is characterized by orange - dahlia blisters that turn black in fall. It can survive the winter and will then attack different sprouts in the spring. Augment and discard leaves that are infected in fall. a Benomyl or Funginex spray every 7 - 10 days may help.

4. Malformed or stunted leaves and flowers

This is caused by spider mites. They are tiny yellow, red or green spiders found on the underside of leaves where they suck juices. The application of Orthene or Isotox may help in treating this infestation.

5. Weak and mottled leaves with tiny white webs under them

This is caused by aphids. They are small soft - bodied insects that usually brown, green or red. Often clustered under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from tender buds. Malathion or diazinon spatter may help roses to survive these bugs.

6. Flowers that don't open or are deformed when they open.

Thrips could be the reason overdue this problem. They are slender, brown - deceitful bugs with fringed wings that also suck juices from flower buds. Cut and discard the infested flowers. Orthene besides malathion may also treat this problem.

Remember that roses are hungry feeders that require much fertilizer to become healthy bushes.




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